Professional Sales Made Easy

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CHF 29.90

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The new world of sales.

What top-ranked professionals do differently to win business for the long term.

A practical guide to sales success, based on what your clients really want. The old-style sales methods don’t work because they are based on tricks to try to make the client buy your product. Be prepared to turn around your entire sales philosophy.

Sales should not be a push. Sales should be a pull – a way to inspire your clients and help them see the unique benefits you can offer – your UCBs.

This book explains how to transform your thinking and understand what clients really want. Get ready to redesign your sales strategy and fast-track yourself to success.

Are you ready to transform your sales success?

Printed paperback, 87 pages.
Price: CHF 29.90 + packing & postage with Swiss A Post

Price, all in: Switzerland: CHF 33, Europe & UK: CHF 42.90, other countries: CHF 46.90
ISBN 978-3-033-10322-1

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